All donations are tax deductible (5 Saturdays is supported by JCWALK Ministries, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; tax ID # 46-5324292).
Whether you invest with your time, talent, or financial support, be assured your support of 5 Saturdays greatly impacts the lives of students and communities throughout the world. It is an investment that will last a lifetime.
We ask you to support the 5 Saturdays STEAM Program (5Saturdays.org) that enables innovation and agility through collaborative and project-based learning workshops with high school students. Donation allow us to continue our commitment to fostering growth and interest in technology and agile project management among high school students. Thank you in advance for your continued generosity and commitment to building a community of future information technology and business professionals.
Please Give Now
$5 Donation
$10 Donation
$25 Donation
Matching Gifts
One of the best ways to give is through a matching gift program, or having a company or individual match your donation. These matches can double or even triple your charitable-donation power
You may donate by mailing a check payable to JCWALK Ministries at the following mailing address:
JCWALK Ministries
PO Box 32952
Tucson AZ 85751