Vocational Ministry
Our vocational stewardship journey takes us into partnership with schools, non-profits, and other organizations by investing time and resources in high school and community college students with the hope that one day they will change the legacy of their family and station in life. We also serve industry professionals by teaching them our curriculum and ask them to serve as learning facilitators and mentors to the students.
People We Serve

Prayer is asking, expecting, receiving, and responding based on frequent conversations with our Abba Father God. We engage in intimate conversations as many times needed to help with the journey through each day. The prayers included in this book began as songs intended to be recorded for worship. However, prayer is one way to worship and celebrate the goodness we have received as well as the corrections to help us grow. The prayers written in this book are categorized into three themes that include: 1) gratitude, 2) wandering, and 3) being still. A life that is filled with the attitude of gratitude demonstrates being content with the gifts received in life, no matter how small. We wonder physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Think of the Israelites in the Old Testament, wandering the desert for 40 years. According to historical facts, the journey should have only taken 11 days to travel from Egypt to Canaan to reach the promised land. When we take time for being still, it is acknowledging the goodness of being in God’s rest.
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