JCWALK Mission

Our mission is a vocational ministry — sharing knowledge and experiences with people who live with limited hope and economic opportunities. We meet people where they are and use the talents we are blessed with to encourage, uplift, and demonstrate the great hope given to us by our savior Jesus Christ.
We believe that people are fully capable, innovative, and can resolve many challenges with a little help, faith, and dedication to an outcome. To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.
Our vocational stewardship journey takes us into partnership with schools, non-profits, and other organizations by investing time and resources in high school and community college students with the hope that one day they will change the legacy of their family and station in life. We also serve industry professionals by teaching them our curriculum and ask them to serve as learning facilitators and mentors to the students.
Our Leaders

Dr. Dave Cornelius is a Servant Leader at JCWALK Ministries. He enables people to achieve their level of awesomeness in their work guided by God as they obtain new skills and knowledge.

Carmen Cornelius is the Director of Strategic Engagement. She has many years of working with large enterprises in strategic procurement and contract negotiations. Carmen is also a certified Scrum Master and lead teams as a Servant Leader. Carmen has extensive combined experience in supply chain management, strategic sourcing, e-procurement, contract management, asset management, vendor relationship management and price/cost analysis.

The 5 Saturdays Program is our connection to local communities. In the summer of 2015, we trained a team of 11 volunteer industry professionals to facilitate learning to high school students at Estancia High School in Costa Mesa, Calif. The students learned job readiness and effective communications, software development concepts, agile project management, and creative and critical thinking. Twelve students and one high school teacher received the Associate Agility Team Leader certification. The 5 Saturdays Program is paving the way for future science, technology, engineering, agile, and math (STEAM) professionals.
In 2019, the 5 Saturdays STEAM program expanded to three locations that included 1) Early College High School, Costa Mesa, CA, 2) Zoe Christian Fellowship, Whittier, CA, and 3) University of Arizona Campus, Tucson, AZ. The high school students learned 1) software development skills, 2) entrepreneurship, job readiness (resumes and interviews), and 4) agile life skills and project management.
The Costa Mesa, CA workshops expanded the capability to serve individuals with physical disabilities to attend the STEAM workshops. Annie, who uses an Augmentative / Alternative Communication (AAC) device like Stephen Hawkins to communicate finished the workshop by working in a team to define a business idea and present back to a shark panel.